Thursday, April 28, 2011

A look at Basics - Dianetics Part 2

Once “Survive!” was isolated as the primary urge which explained all of a life form’s activities, it was necessary to study further the action of survival. And from that research it was discovered that when one considered pain and pleasure as part of the equation, he had at hand the necessary ingredients with which to understand all of life’s actions.
Survival is not only the difference between life and death. There are various levels of survival.
The better one is able to manage his life and increase his level of survival, the more he will have pleasure, abundance and satisfaction.
Pain, disappointment and failure are the result of actions which do not promote survival. 
Dianetics states that the purpose of the mind is to solve problems relating to survival.
The mind directs the individual in the effort of survival and bases its operations upon the information that it receives or records. The mind records data using what are called mental image pictures.
Such pictures are actually three-dimensional, containing color, sound and smell, as well as other perceptions. They also include the conclusions or speculations of the individual. Mental image pictures are continuously made by the mind, moment by moment. One can, for instance, examine the picture of what he had for breakfast this morning by recalling breakfast; and similarly recover a picture of an event which occurred last week by recalling it; or even recall something which happened a much longer time ago.
To be continued  ....
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